We help brand advertisers increase conversions by 143%

The problem

Distrust in news and information websites has advertisers afraid and hitting the pause button.

Brands want to appear on trusted sites but can’t keep up with the rapidly changing media landscape.

The overcorrection around brand safety and suitability in news has made it an under-invested category.

Advertising with Credder

Unlock safe, high performing news content without reputational risk. Now, you don’t have to choose between high-quality news and scale.

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Target ads to Credder’s credible sources with our proprietary database and pre-built Trusted News Indexes™.
Expand reach and performance while ensuring your brand only appears alongside credible content and sources.

Instantly score articles and websites for credibility, quality, and brand safety prior to bidding.
Advertising on credible news drives 143% higher CTRs and 9% lower CPMs (IPG Mediabrands).

Filter inventory by topic, political bias, article emotion, and more for unparalleled control.
The ever-changing digital media landscape necessitates a careful alignment between brand and content that only Credder can provide.

Update your outdated inclusion and exclusion lists with real-time consumer trust data.
Vet any article or website in seconds, making media planning easy for you and your agency partners.


Why Credder

Credder Inc. is the only solution in the market that provides scalable AI software to enable advertisers to target trusted websites and articles at higher conversion rates, without the use of third party cookies:

Years of experience aggregating and tracking audience trust.

Dedicated support to assist advertisers with their needs.

Detailed score reports for any article or website in any language.

Competitive pricing and flexible subscription options.

Building the world’s leading news review platform


URLs scored per day


Of online news engagement scored by actual readers


Higher click-through rates when advertising on credible news

Credder is here to help

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